Four Directions Of Giving

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Please Help Us during this Difficult Time

Kyle Victory soup kitchen GIF

Hunger & Food Insecurity

Hunger is defined as the uneasy or painful sensation caused by a recurrent or involuntary lack of food and is a potential, although not necessary consequence of food insecurity. Over time, hunger may result in malnutrition.

Food insecurity occurs whenever the availability of nutritionally adequate and safe food, or the ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways, is limited or uncertain.

Hunger in Iowa: Statistics


  • 1 in 9 Iowans are food insecure
  • 1 in 6 Iowa children does not have enough to eat
  • 360,540 Iowans live at or below the poverty level
  • 64% of clients served by the Food Bank, have to decide between paying for food or paying for medical care or medicine
  • 65% of clients served by  our Food Bank, have to decide between paying for food or paying their utilities
  • For every $1 donation, the Four Directions Of Giving Food Bank can provide up to 4 meals


Our Partner Agencies
The Four Directions of Giving strives to meet the critical needs of a diverse population through its network of partner agencies in Cedar Rapids. 

The partner agencies include  H.A.C.A.P , food pantries, soup kitchens, homeless shelters ,shelters for victims of domestic violence, non-profit organizations. 

Please help us help others we thank you for your continual support.

Four Directions Of Giving  

A Cedar River First Nations Community  Food Program.

Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission .

                                                                               HELP OUR CAUSE

Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission .