Help Us Help Others
Give a tax-deductible gift today and join us in our work as we dismantle barriers and inspire hope for voices unheard.
Your support empowers people to succeed and live healthier lives. We invite you to join us, and have a hand in creating long-lasting solutions that benefit everyone.
Cedar River First Nations Community offers innovative solutions to build stronger individuals and communities, engaging people from all walks of life to become part of those solutions.
When you give to the Cedar River First Nations Community, you're helping improve lives and strengthen communities by:
--supporting the Veteran Healing Thru Feeling Program , helping people with recovery of addictions,.
--fueling efforts like our 24-hour phone line, which connects people to essential services (everything from domestic violence prevention support to resources to secure affordable housing and utilities assistance).
--creating local solutions to local community challenges, from helping provide meals to homeless individuals to offering free community events and services.
Cedar River First Nations Community is funded by supporters like you who believe that it's our responsibility as humanity to help people that are suffering emotionally, physically and spiritually. Your financial partnership makes it possible for us to share our Creator's unconditional love and healing through our land fund and our weekly spiritual ceremonies, healing hoop talking circles, youth group, weekly free food bank, outreach programs to environmental danger zones, hospital bedsides and the living rooms of the grieving and suffering. Thank you.
Cedar River First Nations Community is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization,Please help us help others
Become a hope builder today
Make a monthly gift
Your monthly contribution will help the C.R.F.N.C. restore dignity and hope to people caught in crisis, addictions, family traumas, Veterans with PTSD and families in need of food or housing in the Metro Cedar Rapids area. It can also provide critical support to recently returned Veterans trying to build better lives for themselves and their children.
Founded in 1999, C.R.F.N.C. delivers vital services to the most vulnerable in our communities. Year after year, C.R.F.N.C. is one of the highest-ranking nonprofits for accountability, transparency, and efficient use of contributions. Please click the donate Button below Thank You and Bless you all..